Sunday, 30 December 2012

Pine Gap History - The Tale of Jim Bullen

The Tale of Jim Bullen
Jim Bullen was a farmer.  He owned the land where Pine Gap now stands.  The Australian government seized 900 acres of his land in order to build Pine Gap.

He was told he would be compensated for the loss of his land. 

He was offered 52 cents an acre.  He had originally purchased the land to turn a profit.  Instead he lost.  He received $468.00.

On December 22 1966, Mr Bullen said  “How can they compensate me for five hard years of my life. I am an old man and couldn't start this all over again. I have accomplished something, completely without government help on land that the government considered useless. Now it is all going for nothing."

He was given a choice.  Accept the money or receive nothing.

In 2009, the Federal Government quietly beefed up laws protecting the US spy station Pine Gap, ensuring protesters face seven years' jail if they go near or photograph the intelligence-gathering facility.  



  1. My name is Anthony Gregory Kelly, my brother is James Benedict Kelly, my mother is Joan Margaret Kelly (nee Bussanich), my father is Dennis Patrick Frederick Kelly, his mother was Gladys Miriam Brasil (nee Bullen), her father was Jim Bullen. There is only one Bullen left; she is my fathers cousin, Patsy Bullen. She still resides in Alice Springs.
    I just thought it worth mentioning.
    Thank you for the posting in your blog.
    Kind regards,

  2. And just for the record, the actual name of Jim Bullen was Austin Edmond Bullen.
    Thank you.
